Weight Loss Diet Plan for 5kg

Weight Loss Diet Plan for 5kg in 7 days

Today we will tell you Weight Loss Diet for 5kg in 7 days, This diet plan is very helpful and its main benefit is that lost weight will not bounce back. This Diet plan needs a lot of physical activities because Physical activity increases our metabolism or the step at which our bodies burn calories. Long-term weight loss maintenance depends heavily on physical activity. Regular exercise creates a sustainable routine that promotes general health and well-being, prevents weight gain, and helps you maintain a healthy weight.

If you will not active or not doing physical activity, the result should vary. You will lose 2-3 kg in a week. Also, keep in mind that 5kg is lost for a person that weight is lying between 70-80kg. If you are in your ideal weight like 50-55, then you will lose only 1-2 kg in a week.

This Diet plan is not for diabetic patients. People who have low energy do not follow this diet plan. This diet plan is under expert command.

Start the Weight Loss Diet Plan:


Fennel seeds (Sonf) and Cardamom (Alaichi) Water
Pre Breakfast Drink in Weight Loss Diet

Take 2 glasses of lukewarm water, and put a pinch of Fennel seeds (Sonf) and 2 pieces of Cardamom (Alaichi) in water. And drink it slowly, and complete this before your breakfast. Fennel seeds and cardamom in lukewarm water help to improve your metabolism, and this helps in weight loss. This also cleans the intestines, removes toxicity in the body, and burns calories and fat fastly, this is an important part of a weight loss diet.

Breakfast at 9:00 am:

Green Tea and Egg with Brown Bread in Breakfast
Pre Breakfast Drink in Weight Loss Diet

In a weight loss diet, Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. As Breakfast means Breaking the Fast. Breakfast is important, because you awake after 8 to 9 hours of sleep. And the body needs energy, that you take in the breakfast. It increases the glucose level, as well body’s metabolism fast.
Here are some Options for Breakfast in this diet plan:
1 option: Take 1 slice of brown bread with 2 eggs with yolk, with green tea.
If you don’t like eggs or have some allergy to eggs so.
2nd option: Take one slice of brown bread with one tablespoon of sugar-free peanut butter. (Strictly sugar-free peanut butter), with green tea.
Don’t take any type of sugar, because sugar is responsible for gaining weight and fatty liver disease. So, sugar is strictly not allowed in this diet plan for weight loss.
Green tea with meals is not good, but losing 5kg in a week is not a healthy diet plan. It’s a moderate diet plan. But it results well and loss kg in a week.

Mid-Morning Snack midnight:

Mid Morning Drink in Weight Loss Diet
Ispghol Water

Take one glass of water and put 2 tablespoons of Ispagol in it and drink it, Also Drink another glass of water along with it.
Ispagol helps in weight loss. It eases cleaning the intestines and passing out the stole. It raises the production of urine. It removes the fat from the body and helps in weight loss.

Lunch at 1:00 to 2:00 pm:

Weight Loss Diet Salad
Weight Loss Diet Salad

Take one bowl of Raw vegetable Salad 250 grams, along with one piece of bread specifically made of Barley flour (that helps reduce hunger). If you have a kitchen scale, so measure the bread and take 40 to 50 grams with any type of meat in Curry like Chicken, Fish, Mutton, and Beef (2 to 3 pieces of meat). Meat is a great source of proteins, vitamins, zinc, iron, and fatty acids.
Raw vegetables are more important than cooked food because when these vegetables get cooked, their many cells die, which is important in the diet. So, that’s why use raw vegetables, have high in vitamins, and minerals, and stay body healthy and strong.

Mid Evening 4:00 to 5:00 pm:

Fruit in Weight Loss Diet
Take 1 Fruit in Weight Loss Diet

Take one fruit of your choice. Mangos, bananas, and Grapes are strictly not allowed in the diet.
Fruit is the main and important source of vitamins and minerals and has very few calories and helps in weight loss. It also has a positive impact on blood sugar.
At 6:00 pm:
Take 4 to 5 tablespoons of Raita without Cream on yogurt.
Yogurt has a high source of Protein and also fasts your metabolism. Eating yogurt can satisfy you for a longer period and helps in a weight loss diet.

Dinner at 7:00 to 8:00:

Take 2 palm-sized homemade Kababs, (specifically homemade because frozen kababs have preservatives in them, so it slows the weight loss process), along with the bowl of a raw vegetable salad 250 grams.

Things should Know in Weight Loss Diet

  1. Take 2 cups of green tea, one cup with breakfast, and 2nd cup according to your choice (after lunch or dinner).
  2. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily, and stay hydrated. Water increases metabolic rate, allowing your body to burn calories more efficiently. It also helps with fat breakdown and elimination by improving renal and liver function. Also, if you like, so add lemon to your water to make it tasty.
  3. Avoid junk food, baked food, packaged snacks, oily snacks, and fries in this diet.
  4. Avoid any sugar, because sugar has a lot of calories and gain weight.
  5. Cook food in a very little amount of oil, or if possible, so use olive oil that good in the diet.
  6. Chew your food properly and slowly, and also concentrate on your meal. Try not to watch or read anything when you are eating. Because it changes your diversion, and you eat a lot of food.
  7. When you start your meal, drink water first. Because sometimes you feel thirsty, and you think that you are hungry a lot. Drinking water first completes your thirst. After drinking water, the meal you consume is your body’s real hunger.
  8. Get enough sleep for 7 to 8 hours. It keeps you energetic and motivated in your goals.
  9. Don’t take any type of stress.
  10. Also avoid any cheat day in this weight loss diet plan.
  11. Weight loss is a journey. So, stay positive and motivated throughout the journey.
  12. If you want any vitamins, so you should take them in this diet plan.

Add Physical Activities in Weight Loss Diet Also

As you know, roti is added to this diet plan, so physical activities also increase.

Women is Walking
Walk 40 minutes before breakfast
  1. Walk 40 minutes before breakfast. Walk in such a way that the Heart beat fast. As well walk 30 minutes before dinner.
  2. Take exercise regularly, which also fast your metabolism.

As you know this weight loss diet plan is quick and fast, lose 5kg in a week. But also keep in this mind this cannot be an admissible or long-term diet plan for weight loss. For a healthy lifestyle, you should adopt healthy food items, activeness, exercise, and walk in your life. Adopt positivity in your lifestyle. And try not to depend on frozen food items, and don’t rely on junk food. Also, keep in this mind Health is Wealth. So, don’t overstress your health.

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